Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why John McCain And Sarah Palin Are Great

When McCain and Palin take over in January, we all hope and pray it happens; there will be a lot of changes. What has hurt the Republicans have been those who have been in power as well as those who are behind the scenes, trying to act their ideas and interests are what the country should all rally behind..

Besides the Bush staffers you mention, the best examples are what Tom Delay and Phil Graham did to this country. Delay is responsible for a lot of the spending on the Republican side years ago and Graham attitude that this country is a bunch of whiners did not help our cause as well. Plus Graham really retired earlier because his wife received a nice million something dollar bonus from being on the Enron board. So glad McCain and Palin are not like those two.

McCain and Palin are good for the Republican Party and most of all; they are good for this country. We have placed McCain as our main candidate because we are tired of the Delays and Grahams. Plus we are tired of the Clintons, the Kerrys and soon, the Pelosis.

I had respect for the Speaker of the House until yesterday when she placed party politics above the interest of the nation. Several Republicans were ready to vote for the bill until she insulted the Republicans to the point which changed so many of their minds. This is why we are tired of the politics in Washington. Pelosi needs to get focus on the country and stop with the agenda of making the Democrats look good during this time of crisis. This is going to hurt her as well as her party plus the country in the long run. Now is not the time to find opportunities to get ahead in the polls. American people of tired of it. That is why on both sides of the aisle, we have candidates for change.

McCain and Palin will bring forth the best kind of change for this country and at the same time, they will not make us weak in the process. So like I always say, God bless John McCain and God bless Sarah Palin.



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